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Excitement for GPL enforcement at Linux Plumbers

by Denver Gingerich on October 3, 2024

We were excited and very happy to participate in Linux Plumbers Conference this year, which happened last month (Sep 18-20) in Vienna. As one of the premiere programs using a software right to repair license (GPLv2), Linux is crucial for the future of software freedom in our devices, from those we use to develop and write new code, to the phones many of us carry with us, to the many appliances and even cars that bring conveniences to our lives. And so we were delighted to discuss Linux and its role in our connected future with Linux kernel developers and other enthusiasts who attended this technical conference.

We hosted a BoF, Let's talk about GPL and LGPL enforcement!, which brought dozens of developers together to discuss the hard questions of how we can ensure that Linux's license is enforced so people can get the code they're entitled to, and the current state of GPL and LGPL enforcement across the board. After some discussion of how often companies use software under the GPL and LGPL without honoring the license terms (it's unfortunately very very common), we fielded some questions about source candidates that people had received. The first example that a participant provided as a positive example of a company meeting its obligations turned out to actually be from a company that SFC had sued in the past, showing that SFC's prior enforcement efforts were helping to change behavior, causing companies to provide GPL/LGPL source code when they hadn't before.

The discussion moved on to how we can bring the next generation of developers into the Linux community, so they can keep improving the Linux kernel in the coming decades. It was noted that a lot of new computer users aren't getting the same computing environment that most Linux developers grew up with. In particular, most Linux developers today started computing with desktop or laptop computers that gave them a wide range of software options, and easy ways to switch operating systems and other key software. However, today most new computer users are getting less capable devices, not because they are less powerful, but because the devices don't have the same malleability and accessibility as they did two decades ago, which is due in part to GPL violations where the user is prevented from reinstalling modified Linux or other software onto their device.

This really struck me, as I had many conversations in the "hallway track" where I asked people how they got into FOSS, and the responses were invariably a version of "to do more interesting things with my computer". It was clear that the computing devices of the 90s and early 2000s really promoted this developer mindset, and that we would have to keep the momentum going to ensure that new developers would have the same opportunities. This leaves us with a mission to make sure that as computing platforms change, we retain the freedoms that enabled the current generation of technology to flourish.

While GPL enforcement isn't the only factor in ensuring people can access developer tools and make meaningful changes to their devices, it is certainly an important piece of the puzzle, given everything we heard at Plumbers this year. With large percentages of Linux devices still distributed without giving users the freedoms that Linux's license is designed to give them, GPL enforcement is immensely important, as our discussions at Plumbers and elsewhere remind us.

The feedback from the BoF was overwhelmingly positive, and we were so happy to be able to take questions, share information, connect with longtime contributors and meet newcomers with such a keen interest in copyleft and enforcement. As always, we invite feedback about this work. You can email us anytime at compliance@sfconservancy.org, and we'll be scheduling some synchronous sessions later in the year.

In the meantime, we are proud to continue the work to ensure that everyone can repair and modify the software on their Linux devices, and everything else using software right-to-repair licenses, for current and future generations of software users and developers.

Tags: GPL, licensing

Prioritizing software right to repair: engaging corporate response teams

by Denver Gingerich on February 3, 2024

Across organizations who develop and deploy software, there are a wide range of time-sensitive concerns that arise. Perhaps the most diligent team that responds to such time-sensitive concerns is the cybersecurity team. It is crucial for them to quickly understand the security concern, patch it without introducing any regressions, and deploy it. In extreme cases this is all done within a few hours — a monumental task crammed into less time than a dinner party (and often replacing such a social event at the last minute; these teams are truly dedicated).

Many other teams exist across organizations for different levels of risk and concern. In our experience, on average among many companies, the team that receives among the lowest priorities is the team that responds to concerns about a company's copyleft compliance. Now we can think of some reasons for this: the team is often not connected to the team that collated the software containing copylefted code, or that latter team was not given proper instruction for how to comply with the licenses (and/or does not read the licenses themselves). So the team responding when someone notes a copyleft compliance deficiency is ill-equipped to handle it, and is often stonewalled by developer teams when they ask them for help, so the requests for correct source code under copyleft licenses usually languish.

With this in mind, we at SFC are helping prioritize the copyleft compliance concerns an organization may face due to some of the above. To reflect the importance of teams responding to copyleft compliance concerns, we recommend that companies create a team that we are calling a "Copyleft Compliance Incident Response Team" (CCIRT). This will help convey to management the importance of properly staffing the team, but also how it must be taken seriously by other teams that the CCIRT relies on to respond to incidents. Where companies employ Compliance Officers, they will likely be obvious leaders for this team.

Now some companies may not need a CCIRT. Unlike security vulnerabilities, failing to comply with copyleft licenses is entirely preventable. If you know your company already has policies and procedures that yield compliant results (of the same form as compliant source candidates that we praise in the comments on Use The Source), then there is no need for a CCIRT. However, our experience shows that most companies do not have such policies and procedures, in which case a CCIRT is necessary until such policies and procedures can reliably produce compliant source candidates from the start.

We recently launched Use The Source (alluded to above), which helps device owners and companies see whether source code candidates (the most important part of copyleft compliance) are giving users their software right to repair, i.e. whether they comply with the copyleft licenses they use. We realize companies may be concerned about SFC publishing their source candidates before they have had a chance to double-check them for compliance, due to some of the issues with policies and procedures mentioned above. As a result, we are giving companies the opportunity to be notified before we post a source candidate of theirs, so that they can take up to 7 days to update the candidate with any fixes they feel may be necessary before we post it. And the sooner a company contacts us, the better, as we are offering up to 37 days from the launch of Use The Source before we publish candidates we receive. See our CCIRT notification timeline for details. For historical purposes, the additional grace period that we provided at launch time is detailed here.

We hope that this new terminology will help organizations prioritize copyleft compliance appropriately, and that everyone can benefit from the shared discussions of source candidates and their compliance with copyleft licenses. We look forward to working with companies and device owners to promote exceptional examples of software right to repair (through our comments on Use The Source) as we find them.

Tags: GPL, security, licensing, software freedom for everyone

How I watched a Motion for Summary Judgment hearing

by Denver Gingerich on October 12, 2023

In SFC's ongoing lawsuit against Vizio asking to receive the source code for the copylefted components on their TVs, last week we had a hearing with the judge to discuss the Motion for Summary Judgment that Vizio filed (requesting that the court reject our case before it even went to trial). A couple of our staff attended in-person (in an Orange County courthouse in Southern California) while others, like myself, watched remotely.

I was hoping to be able to use a standard interface to view the proceedings (such as streaming video provided to a <video/> element on a webpage), but unfortunately that was not available. The only way to view hearings in this court remotely is via Zoom, which SFC has talked about recently. This presented me with a conundrum - do I join via Zoom to see what was said? Or am I prevented from accessing this civic discourse because the court chooses not to use a standard video sharing method, preventing a large segment of society from taking part? As part of their normal practice, the court does not record (nor allow recording except through an official court reporter that can be hired by the parties to take a textual transcript) of proceedings, so I needed to decide with some urgency how to proceed, as failing to join now would mean I couldn't see the hearing at all, neither now nor in the future.

I am not sure how other countries approach this problem, and maybe it is no different elsewhere, but it did concern me deeply how this technical decision to demand the use of proprietary software could leave so many people disenfranchised, both with respect to their legal system, and other public services as well.

As part of SFC's policy to allow the use proprietary software if it is critical to our mission, I decided that it was more important for me to be able to view the proceedings (and avoid charging many hundreds of dollars to SFC for an international flight and hotel). Note that SFC would never require this of me, and would gladly pay for me to attend in-person to avoid the proprietary software, but I felt personally it was the right decision for me to make in this context.

Once this dilemma was resolved (for better or worse), I went through the technical steps required to join the Zoom call for the court hearing, where I was presented with this text:

By clicking "Join", you agree to our {0} and {1}.

Now there were no links to {0} or {1}, so I made some guesses as to what I was agreeing to. In the best case, I was agreeing to nothing, and in the worst case I was agreeing that 0 and 1 provided the foundation for all humanity which, while potentially troubling, did have a certain appeal as a technologist. In any case, I clicked Join (possibly leaving an indelible mark on the future of the universe) and was at last able to observe the hearing, after dialing in by (SIP) phone for the audio, to reduce the amount of proprietary code being run for me to view the hearing.

The hearing event itself was familiar to those who have attended such court proceedings - there were many other cases heard that day, that touched on issues such as whether you could get a DUI while riding a horse (answer: yes), to much more serious and unfortunate clear instances of DARVO tactics in domestic disputes (which we hope will not ultimately sway the judge). It appeared the judge wanted to save our hearing for last, possibly due to its complexity or novelty. The lawyers in most of the other matters appeared remotely.

Once the other cases were heard, the judge turned to us, with both our lawyers and Vizio's lawyer physically present in the courtroom. She asked Vizio to go first (since it was Vizio's motion), and their lawyer went over the points from their Motion for Summary Judgment, eventually clarifying seven specific objections Vizio had made to our case in its motion - the judge had clearly read our brief and wanted to know more on these seven topics given how we addressed them.

It was a bit jarring to hear my own name mentioned in court, as one of the objections was to an email I had sent to Vizio when we informed them they were violating the GPL. While not a problem for our case, it reminded me of the need to be extra careful, since anything we say to a company who violates the GPL can end up in court. But it also reminded me of why it is important we do this: if people feel scared to file lawsuits when companies fail to comply with the software freedom licenses they choose to use, then we at SFC must step up and use our resources and substantial experience to make sure the unfounded claims by companies of how they should be able to get away with violating are firmly rebuffed.

After Vizio's lawyer had finished, the judge turned to our lawyers for a response. Our lawyers presented an excellent litany of reasons why SFC's case is not preempted by copyright (for example, there is an extra element, provision of source code, that copyright remedies do not provide), and why we have rights as a third-party to the GPL contract between Vizio and the developers of the software that Vizio chose to use (as an example, the GPL itself clearly states, "You [Vizio] must make sure that they [third-party recipients such as SFC], too, receive or can get the source code").

Our lawyers finished with some examples of how contract law works, where if you agree to make some copies, but don't pay the money required in the contract, then that's a contract claim, not a copyright claim. In that case, a party has stiffed the beneficiary on the money. And in our case, as our lawyer so eloquently ended the hearing: "Vizio has stiffed us on the code".

We are extremely proud of our lawyers in this case, especially the two lawyers who argued in-person for us on Thursday: Naomi Jane Gray and Don Thompson, as well our General Counsel Rick Sanders. Whether companies are held accountable for following the software right to repair licenses they choose to use is immensely important - they need to give us the same rights they have, and we're incredibly happy that our legal team are so laser-focused on this.

We look forward to hearing the judge's decision on this motion when it comes out (in the meantime, you can read the hearing transcript if you like). Whatever the result, we will keep fighting for your software rights, everywhere software is used, using the legal mechanisms available (when required), to make sure everyone can control their technology.

Tags: conservancy, GPL, law, licensing

RHEL Panel Discussion at FOSSY 2023

by Bradley M. Kuhn on July 19, 2023

This past weekend, July 13-16th, 2023, Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) hosted and ran a new conference, FOSSY (Free and Open Source Software Yearly) in Portland, Oregon, USA. I was glad to host the keynote panel discussion on the recent change made by Red Hat (now a subsidiary of IBM) regarding the public source code releases for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

The panelists included (in alphabetical order) Jeremy Alison, software engineer at CIQ (focused on Rocky Linux) and Samba co-founder, myself, Bradley M. Kuhn, policy fellow at SFC, benny Vasquez, the Chair of the AlmaLinux OS Foundation, and James (Jim) Wright, who is Oracle’s Chief Architect for Open Source Policy, Strategy, Compliance, and Alliances.

Red Hat themselves did not reply to our repeated requests to join us on this panel, but we were able to gather the key organizations impacted by Red Hat's recent decision to cease public distribution of RHEL sources. SUSE was also invited but let us know they were unable to send someone on short notice to Portland for the panel.

We're very glad to make the video available to everyone who has been following this evolving story. FOSSY is a new event, and we've hopefully shown how running a community-led FOSS event here in Portland each summer creates an environment where these kinds of important discussions can be held to explore issues impacting FOSS users around the world.

I thank our panelists again for booking last-minute travel to be with us for this exciting panel and thank all the FOSSY attendees for their excellent questions during the panel.

I hope to see all of you at next years' FOSSY!

Tags: conservancy, GPL, conferences, events

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