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Displaying posts by Denver Gingerich

OpenWrt One: manufacturing software freedom

by Denver Gingerich on December 3, 2024

Software cannot run without hardware. To have software freedom, we need hardware to run our software. Sadly, the vast majority of hardware is not built with software freedom in mind. Too often, we are beholden to the big hardware companies that sell us our laptops, phones, routers, TVs and other devices. Few manufacturers today build devices with user modifiability and longevity in mind. And it's getting worse. Hardware is becoming more and more locked down, making the need for devices that will work in our interests more and more acute.

Software Freedom Conservancy announced on Friday, in conjuction with our OpenWrt member project, that the first router designed from the ground up by the OpenWrt community is now shipping. OpenWrt developers and SFC staff have been coordinating over the past year to design and produce a hardware device that showcases the best of what OpenWrt has to offer. From the upstream-first approach, to the up-front source code availability, no stone was left unturned in ensuring the device would give people flexibility and control over the software (and hardware) that runs their network.

SFC works toward GPL compliance across the industry, so the devices running Linux out there (which now include toasters, dishwashers, fridges, and dryers, as well as laptops, phones, routers, and TVs) all comply with the copyleft terms that give you the right to modify and reinstall changes onto your device. GPL enforcement is one way we tackle this problem, but we constantly seek other approaches. In the case of OpenWrt, we have yet another example that shows the device manufacturers that haven't yet complied with the GPL (and given users the rights they are owed) how to do it right — to give people what they want and what the GPL requires.

We are very excited to watch the interesting applications you find for your OpenWrt One. We're amazed and impressed to learn some people are already running Doom and other software that just won't run on a router that you buy from one of the big name router brands. :) We think it's important for people to have the freedom to make their software work for them, to explore, and enjoy their software experience. The GPL and other copyleft licenses exist to make this possible.

The OpenWrt One is admittedly not perfect. It's sadly a prime example of hardware from recent eras that relies on a few binary component firmwares (in this case, for small parts of the wifi, 2.5 GbE port, and RAM calibration). It is difficult to construct modern hardware without a few of these binary blobs. While this reality is a travesty, we are excited that nearly all the source code for the software on the OpenWrt One is freely licensed. This ensures the maximum possible ability to repair and improve the device. We hope the device will last, and someday, since the binary parts are electronically upgradable, future users can replace the binary component firmwares as FOSS replacements become available. The design and distribution of the OpenWrt One shows that it is not only possible to distribute a device containing both copylefted and non-FOSS code, but that it is also cost-effective and straight-forward to comply with the relevant licenses, and allow users to modify and reinstall the device from source.

SFC wants to build this future of freedom for all your electronics (especially those running Linux and other GPL'd software). I work every day through private channels (and the courts, when needed) to get companies to respect your rights under the GPL. I'm ecstatic that we're now creating new hardware to show the world what is possible when we put software rights first! We're excited for everyone to join us on this journey, and encourage you to read our OpenWrt One launch announcement for more details on this first step.

We just started our annual fundraiser and we'd be thrilled if you could support us by becoming a sustainer. For a limited time, until January 15 (or $204,887 of donations), all donations will be matched, so renew or become a Sustainer today! Thanks for helping us bring software freedom (and hardware respecting it) to everyone!

Tags: GPL

Excitement for GPL enforcement at Linux Plumbers

by Denver Gingerich on October 3, 2024

We were excited and very happy to participate in Linux Plumbers Conference this year, which happened last month (Sep 18-20) in Vienna. As one of the premiere programs using a software right to repair license (GPLv2), Linux is crucial for the future of software freedom in our devices, from those we use to develop and write new code, to the phones many of us carry with us, to the many appliances and even cars that bring conveniences to our lives. And so we were delighted to discuss Linux and its role in our connected future with Linux kernel developers and other enthusiasts who attended this technical conference.

We hosted a BoF, Let's talk about GPL and LGPL enforcement!, which brought dozens of developers together to discuss the hard questions of how we can ensure that Linux's license is enforced so people can get the code they're entitled to, and the current state of GPL and LGPL enforcement across the board. After some discussion of how often companies use software under the GPL and LGPL without honoring the license terms (it's unfortunately very very common), we fielded some questions about source candidates that people had received. The first example that a participant provided as a positive example of a company meeting its obligations turned out to actually be from a company that SFC had sued in the past, showing that SFC's prior enforcement efforts were helping to change behavior, causing companies to provide GPL/LGPL source code when they hadn't before.

The discussion moved on to how we can bring the next generation of developers into the Linux community, so they can keep improving the Linux kernel in the coming decades. It was noted that a lot of new computer users aren't getting the same computing environment that most Linux developers grew up with. In particular, most Linux developers today started computing with desktop or laptop computers that gave them a wide range of software options, and easy ways to switch operating systems and other key software. However, today most new computer users are getting less capable devices, not because they are less powerful, but because the devices don't have the same malleability and accessibility as they did two decades ago, which is due in part to GPL violations where the user is prevented from reinstalling modified Linux or other software onto their device.

This really struck me, as I had many conversations in the "hallway track" where I asked people how they got into FOSS, and the responses were invariably a version of "to do more interesting things with my computer". It was clear that the computing devices of the 90s and early 2000s really promoted this developer mindset, and that we would have to keep the momentum going to ensure that new developers would have the same opportunities. This leaves us with a mission to make sure that as computing platforms change, we retain the freedoms that enabled the current generation of technology to flourish.

While GPL enforcement isn't the only factor in ensuring people can access developer tools and make meaningful changes to their devices, it is certainly an important piece of the puzzle, given everything we heard at Plumbers this year. With large percentages of Linux devices still distributed without giving users the freedoms that Linux's license is designed to give them, GPL enforcement is immensely important, as our discussions at Plumbers and elsewhere remind us.

The feedback from the BoF was overwhelmingly positive, and we were so happy to be able to take questions, share information, connect with longtime contributors and meet newcomers with such a keen interest in copyleft and enforcement. As always, we invite feedback about this work. You can email us anytime at compliance@sfconservancy.org, and we'll be scheduling some synchronous sessions later in the year.

In the meantime, we are proud to continue the work to ensure that everyone can repair and modify the software on their Linux devices, and everything else using software right-to-repair licenses, for current and future generations of software users and developers.

Tags: GPL, licensing

Prioritizing software right to repair: engaging corporate response teams

by Denver Gingerich on February 3, 2024

Across organizations who develop and deploy software, there are a wide range of time-sensitive concerns that arise. Perhaps the most diligent team that responds to such time-sensitive concerns is the cybersecurity team. It is crucial for them to quickly understand the security concern, patch it without introducing any regressions, and deploy it. In extreme cases this is all done within a few hours — a monumental task crammed into less time than a dinner party (and often replacing such a social event at the last minute; these teams are truly dedicated).

Many other teams exist across organizations for different levels of risk and concern. In our experience, on average among many companies, the team that receives among the lowest priorities is the team that responds to concerns about a company's copyleft compliance. Now we can think of some reasons for this: the team is often not connected to the team that collated the software containing copylefted code, or that latter team was not given proper instruction for how to comply with the licenses (and/or does not read the licenses themselves). So the team responding when someone notes a copyleft compliance deficiency is ill-equipped to handle it, and is often stonewalled by developer teams when they ask them for help, so the requests for correct source code under copyleft licenses usually languish.

With this in mind, we at SFC are helping prioritize the copyleft compliance concerns an organization may face due to some of the above. To reflect the importance of teams responding to copyleft compliance concerns, we recommend that companies create a team that we are calling a "Copyleft Compliance Incident Response Team" (CCIRT). This will help convey to management the importance of properly staffing the team, but also how it must be taken seriously by other teams that the CCIRT relies on to respond to incidents. Where companies employ Compliance Officers, they will likely be obvious leaders for this team.

Now some companies may not need a CCIRT. Unlike security vulnerabilities, failing to comply with copyleft licenses is entirely preventable. If you know your company already has policies and procedures that yield compliant results (of the same form as compliant source candidates that we praise in the comments on Use The Source), then there is no need for a CCIRT. However, our experience shows that most companies do not have such policies and procedures, in which case a CCIRT is necessary until such policies and procedures can reliably produce compliant source candidates from the start.

We recently launched Use The Source (alluded to above), which helps device owners and companies see whether source code candidates (the most important part of copyleft compliance) are giving users their software right to repair, i.e. whether they comply with the copyleft licenses they use. We realize companies may be concerned about SFC publishing their source candidates before they have had a chance to double-check them for compliance, due to some of the issues with policies and procedures mentioned above. As a result, we are giving companies the opportunity to be notified before we post a source candidate of theirs, so that they can take up to 7 days to update the candidate with any fixes they feel may be necessary before we post it. And the sooner a company contacts us, the better, as we are offering up to 37 days from the launch of Use The Source before we publish candidates we receive. See our CCIRT notification timeline for details. For historical purposes, the additional grace period that we provided at launch time is detailed here.

We hope that this new terminology will help organizations prioritize copyleft compliance appropriately, and that everyone can benefit from the shared discussions of source candidates and their compliance with copyleft licenses. We look forward to working with companies and device owners to promote exceptional examples of software right to repair (through our comments on Use The Source) as we find them.

Tags: GPL, security, licensing, software freedom for everyone

Is Tesla open source? Roadster certainly isn't...

by Denver Gingerich on December 21, 2023

There appears to be some debate over whether a certain billionaire said on November 22 that "Tesla Roadster is now fully open source", or maybe that "All design & engineering of the original @Tesla Roadster is now fully open source". In any case, as the people who work every day on whether or not what companies say is FOSS really is FOSS, we reviewed the materials Tesla provided on the Tesla Roadster Service Information page. We found no source code — and last time we reviewed the Open Source Definition, providing source code was mandatory to meet it. But this situation is worse than that. Tesla did include several copies of the Linux kernel in only binary form, with no offer for source whatsoever. That's a GPL violation. We immediately emailed Tesla to ask them where the source code was but (now 3 weeks later) we have still heard nothing back.

Tesla's violation is not surprising, given their past behavior. We've written before about Tesla's prior inabilities to provide complete source code. But now Tesla has completely backslid from incomplete source code all the way to "no source or offer". Instead of learning from its past mistakes, Tesla has increased its erratic behavior to make even more mistakes of the same type.

Now you may wonder why we care about a company that is decidedly not open source, and about code that is relatively old at this point. Well, we believe that people should have the right and ability to repair their software, no matter how old, and that this applies to everything that contains software, including TVs, wireless routers, and (in this case) cars.

The need for being able to repair here is not hypothetical. The dangers of Tesla drivers' inability to fix the software in their cars is palpable. After discussing safety concerns in the software on its cars with the NHTSA, Tesla recently did a voluntary recall on all cars it has produced in the past 10 years. This recall is *due to faulty software*, which was only discovered to be faulty after many drivers died. Neither NHTSA nor the public has the right to review Tesla's actual software for safety. If Tesla at least complied with the GPL, regulatory bodies and the public could review those portions for safety. (Of course, we think Tesla should be required to make the source for even those parts of the software not governed by GPL available to the public for security audits and review.)

Tesla has taken a strong and disturbing position: they'd rather keep their source code secret than increase safety for software in cars. Furthermore, rather than letting car owners fix their cars, they were forced to wait for Tesla to both agree that there was a problem, and then work on Tesla's own schedule to release a fix for the problem. If owners had the source code, the owners (and the press, who uncovered the systematic problems in this case) could more quickly identify that there was a problem to begin with, and then implement a fix right away, instead of waiting for Tesla to decide they wanted to do something about it.

By refusing to comply with the GPL agreements, Tesla is not only violating licenses - it is making its cars more dangerous, and removing the ability of owners to fix problems when they arise. This cannot continue, and we again call on Tesla today to give all its customers the complete source code for all copylefted software Tesla has distributed to them. This is common sense, and is merely what the agreements require.

Of course, we're just as concerned as anyone that owners might make software modifications to their car that decrease safety. We support certification requirements for any software that is installed to drive on the road. Just as it is completely legal for a consumer to build their own car from parts, and be subject to safety inspection before driving it on public roads, so too should that apply to software. Tesla, sadly, continues to maintain the fiction that they know better than everyone what's safe for software in cars to do — even after it's been shown that Tesla's software is killing people. As a for-profit automaker, in this regard Tesla is actually held to a lower burden than a hobbyist who built their own car.

We hope you will stand with us in calling on all companies to follow the terms of the copyleft agreements they are bound by. Violating the GPL and using proprietary software is not, as Tesla claims, the only way to keep drivers safe, instead it's downright dangerous.

Tags: conservancy

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