Thanks to all our donors who participated in our historic donation match challenge! Thanks to you, we raised more than $480k to support software freedom:
$204,887 fully matched!
$77,312 additional

Our fundraiser and awesome Supporters pitching in

by Karen Sandler on November 24, 2015

** Photo of Conservancy Supporters.  Photo by-Carlo-Piana under CC-0 **

You may have noticed that Conservancy launched a big fundraising campaign this week. As we talk about more fully on our Supporter sign up page, over the past year and in particular since we launched the VMware suit some of our corporate funding has been pulled because we tackle important but controversial issues, like GPL compliance. We have even have had talks blocked or canceled at conferences.

In order to ensure that we can continue our work, we must transition to a primarily individual-supported model. We will continue to seek corporate support, of course, and we're grateful for the corporate donors whose support has continued. But our constituency is the software freedom community, and that's where our support should ultimately come from. It's not enough for us to think that the work we do is right - a significant portion of the public must also agree and be willing to vote with their money. Without that support we simply cannot continue. The 10% that our member projects contribute doesn't cover even one staffer plus basic overhead.

We have structured the campaign with two make-or-break levels: a lower level that will just sustain the organization for a "bare minimum" service plan to our member projects, and a separate, higher level to continue doing copyleft enforcement. If we don't meet these goals we'll be forced to radically restructure.

You can see the names of some of our Supporters who choose to be acknowledged, and they are a very impressive bunch!

One Supporter, the very awesome Christopher Allan Webber took some time to sit down with Bradley and me to talk about the campaign and about GPL enforcement generally. You can hear it as the latest episode of Bradley's and my oggcast Free as in Freedom. It's the first episode of FaiF that we've released in some time, and I'm glad we were able to get it together in time for this important fundraiser.

In the coming weeks we will have a few videos from other Supporters about why they choose to support us. Carol Smith of Google was very kind to do one.

Many thanks to Carol for supporting sofware freedom and our organization! Join Carol and become a supporter of Conservancy today.

Tags: conservancy, GPL, supporter

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