Conservancy News
(Page 13 of 43)
Rosanne DiMesio is Conservancy's New Technical Bookkeeper
June 13, 2019
We're excited to announce that we've hired Rosanne DiMesio to be our new Technical Bookkeeper. Rosanne is a longtime volunteer with the Wine project (which was one of Conservancy's founding member projects) where she focuses her efforts on making things easier for users. She is also an Outreachy (also a Conservancy project) graduate who completed her internship working with Wine on improving their Applications Database (AppDB). Rosanne has done many different things during her career, including working as an English teacher and doing tech support for emergency response services. She brings her passion for free software and her care for new free software users to the role at Conservancy.
VMware Suit Concludes in Germany
April 2, 2019
We're Hiring: Techie Bookkeeper
February 14, 2019
Copyleft Conf: Registration is Open
January 10, 2019
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