Conservancy News
(Page 11 of 43)
Conservancy Applies to Renew Key DMCA Exemption
July 30, 2020
Conservancy has once again pushed for a renewal of the exemption to smart TV's, effectively allowing people to install and use free software on their own televisions. As part of a coalition with a group of researchers, our Executive Director, Karen Sandler also participated in filing the renewal application to continue the exemption for medical devices filed by the USC's Gould School of Law. Both of these exemptions must refiled in the triennial review process to ensure that interacting with the software in these devices does not become unlawful.
Regarding Git and Branch Naming
June 23, 2020
Clojurists Together Foundation Launches!
May 18, 2020
Second Annual Copyleft Conf: Videos Are Up!
April 29, 2020
Conservancy Joins Mozilla's Amicus Brief in Google v. Oracle
January 15, 2020
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