Conservancy News
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Copyleft Conf: Registration is Open
...and the Schedule is Posted
January 10, 2019
Conservancy is very excited to share the schedule for the first ever Copyleft Conf with you! Copyleft Conf is a one day event, taking place in downtown Brussels at Digityser. Registration begins at 9:30am and we'll be finishing by 6pm. We'll have talks, a panel and participatory discussions near the end of the day.
Participants from throughout the copyleft world — developers, strategists, enforcement organizations, scholars and critics — will be welcomed for an in-depth, high bandwidth, and expert-level discussion about the day-to-day details of using copyleft licensing, obstacles facing copyleft and the future of copyleft as a strategy to advance and defend software freedom for users and developers around the world.
Appeal Moving Forward in GPL Compliance Suit Against VMware
November 29, 2018
$90K Year-end Match to Fund an Ambitious Year for Conservancy
November 20, 2018
MicroBlocks Joins Conservancy
November 20, 2018
The Houdini Project
November 14, 2018
Reproducible Builds Joins Conservancy
November 8, 2018
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