Conservancy News
(Page 12 of 43)
Conservancy Joins Mozilla's Amicus Brief in Google v. Oracle
January 15, 2020
We are pleased to announce our participation in an amicus brief filed by Mozilla with the United States Supreme Court. The amicus brief calls on the court to reverse the Federal Circuit's earlier decision. The earlier decision came down in Oracle's favor and held Oracle's Java API copyrightable. We Amici (Latin for "friends of the court") are asking the Supreme Court to find in favor of Google and take the stand that copyright law should not be expanded to include APIs. Developers rely on the ability to use APIs without fear of retaliation to provide users with interoperability, additional choices, and modifiable software. Forcing payment agreements in this new area disproportionately harms smaller projects and projects in the public interest.
Allison Randal Joins Conservancy Board
January 3, 2020
Donors Challenge Conservancy Supporters with Largest Match Yet
November 25, 2019
Karen Sandler Featured on Explained
October 24, 2019
Announcing the Second Annual CopyleftConf!
October 10, 2019
Conservancy Asks Trademark Office to Protect Applicant's Personal Privacy
September 19, 2019
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