Use The Source

OpenWrt One round 2 of 2

Vendor: OpenWrt

Device: One

Released: Dec. 3, 2024

This source release is provided to people who purchased an OpenWrt One (from for example) and requested source code for it. It is an updated version of that replaced the earlier version a few days after its release.


denver — March 3, 2025, 6:33 p.m.
This was successfully compiled on the day of its release and confirmed again to do so correctly today.

The issues that some users reported in the Round 1 candidate have been fixed, so the steps in how_to_compile_and_install.txt appear to work correctly for everyone who has tried, regardless of whether they are online or not while completing the steps.

The resulting binaries successfully install onto the device using the steps in how_to_compile_and_install.txt and the binaries built from those steps correspond to the binaries shipped on the device.

We are grateful for how quickly the OpenWrt community acts on feedback and pleased to have received this very solid source code release that can be built entirely offline!

Header image adapted from Stars 01 by Mathias Krumbholz (CC BY-SA 3.0 Deed). Icons adapted from Magnifying Glass by Rohith M S, Magnifying Glass by icondesign178 and Upload by sureya from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

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