Use The Source

OpenWrt One round 1 of 2

Vendor: OpenWrt

Device: One

Released: Nov. 29, 2024

This source release is provided to people who purchased an OpenWrt One (from for example) and requested source code for it.


denver — Nov. 29, 2024, 3:24 p.m.
I have confirmed that this candidate builds. And I have previously confirmed that install (including with modifications) works. It also corresponds according to prior analysis.

Note that some users have reported that they need to run "./scripts/feeds update" before the "./scripts/feeds install luci" step (from how_to_compile_and_install.txt). This may be due to some reliance on network connectivity during the compilation, and OpenWrt developers have indicated that this reliance will be removed in a future source release (we expect Round 2 to be that release).

In the meantime, I am very happy to see this complete corresponding source code for the OpenWrt One on launch day! And I was pleased to hear that OpenWrt wants to make it even better.

Header image adapted from Stars 01 by Mathias Krumbholz (CC BY-SA 3.0 Deed). Icons adapted from Magnifying Glass by Rohith M S, Magnifying Glass by icondesign178 and Upload by sureya from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

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