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Use The Source

Cisco ESS 3300 round 2 of N

Vendor: Cisco

Device: ESS 3300

Released: Nov. 28, 2023

This is an update we received from Cisco after reporting the respective issues found in the round 1 candidate at


denver — Nov. 28, 2023, 4:57 p.m.
Here is what we sent to Cisco on 2023-11-28 after reviewing this candidate:

Thanks for sending us the new version. Unfortunately, that new version is also woefully inadequate, and we're disappointed that Cisco would claim this new version to be "corresponding source code".

In particular, no change was made to any of the BusyBox-related packages, so we still do not have "the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable" for BusyBox.

While we see some changes were made to the Linux package, we still don't have "the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable" because Cisco has not told us how to get the prerequisites necessary for compilation (among other reasons). In particular, this was all we were told:

$ cat How-To-Compile-The-Kernel.txt

1. copy .config

cat defconfig > .config

2. Compile the kernel

make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-

Cisco has not provided any information about how to get the "aarch64-linux-gnu-" compiler, which version it might be, or any other details we need to create binaries that are "corresponding" to the binaries Cisco shipped on this device.

Before sending your next source candidate, please ensure that Cisco has tested all of "the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable" that it provides to us, to ensure all relevant executables compile and install onto the device per "the scripts".

Header image adapted from Stars 01 by Mathias Krumbholz (CC BY-SA 3.0 Deed). Icons adapted from Magnifying Glass by Rohith M S, Magnifying Glass by icondesign178 and Upload by sureya from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

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