2023 Fundraiser met and exceeded!
$325,400 raised for software freedom!
January 18, 2024
This year's fundraiser went right up to the last hour; thanks to all of you for supporting the work we do, and showing us we're on the right track. We're so thankful for meeting our biggest match yet, $161,729 and $1,942 additional raised for a total of $325,400! Our Sustainers and donors showed particular interest in promotion and defense of copyleft, including our case against Vizio, as well as in our work On Outreachy. Funding our organization leads directly to more compliance action and more initiatives to further software freedom for all of us.
Overall, there was great turn out to our Q&A sessions with SFC leadership during the fundraising period. During the last call we received word that the judge had rejected Vizio's call for summary judgment! What a way to end the year 🥳 You told us that these kind of presentations were informative and very welcome, so we're looking at how best to organize them in the future with a more regular (quarterly?) cadence. Connecting with our community and keeping you all up to date with our activities and myriad types of work we do is definitely a goal for this next year. Come find us at conferences, social media (thank you so much for all your engagement on the Fediverse during our #SFCdrive!), and the revival of weekly "office hours" on IRC/XMPP.
We'll see some of you at FOSDEM in a couple weeks, so please come by to get a sticker and say hello! Meanwhile, we are back hard at work defending your digital rights and making sure our technology is in our hands, under our own control. Thank you all again for showing us with your hard earned money that you respect and value the work we do.