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$24,872 to go!

10 Years of Conservancy!

Excusive Supporter Celebration in Cambridge, MA

March 14, 2016

This April marks the 10 year anniversary of Software Freedom Conservancy's formation. Formed in New York in 2006, Conservancy's initial Member Projects included BusyBox, SurveyOS, uClibc and Wine. To celebrate this milestone and thank our Supporters, we will be hosting an exclusive cocktail hour in Cambridge, MA during LibrePlanet on Saturday March 19, 2016. Supporters must rsvp to <>.

Conservancy will also be present at LibrePlanet. Our President and Distinguished Technologist, Bradley Kuhn will be giving a talk entitled "Copyleft for the next decade: a comprehensive plan" at 13:50 on Saturday, March 19. Our Executive Director, Karen Sandler, will be delivering the closing keynote, "Companies, Free Software and You" on Sunday, March 20 at 17:50. Conservancy Evaluations Committee Member Deb Nicholson and Outreachy organizer Marina Zhurakhinskaya will also be delivering session talks. Conservancy will have a booth in the exhibitor area.

The cocktail hour will be held in the evening on March 19, close to the conference venue and will follow the end of scheduled talks. Details of the location will be sent in reply to your RSVP. Only those signed up as Conservancy Supporters are invited to the event, and must RSVP by March 18. If you would like to attend but are not a Conservancy Supporter, it's not too late to sign up and then RSVP.

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