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Conservancy's Executive Director Delivers Keynote at SeaGL

Karen Also Appears at Numerous Other Conferences in October

October 27, 2014

Conservancy's Executive Director Karen Sandler has been on the go, talking about free and open source software and Conservancy's activities. After giving two presentations and participating in a panel at LinuxCon Europe in Düsseldorf earlier in the month, and then participating in a panel on opportunities for Women and Open Source Software in New York, Karen was onstage last week in Raleigh at All Things Open and headlined SeaGL, the Seattle GNU/Linux Conference .

At SeaGL, Karen gave a talk entitled "Freedom in My Heart: Lessons from a Cyborg Lawyer", where she talked about her personal experience with needing an implanted medical device with proprietary software. Her research led to a passion for software freedom, which she shared with the audience. Karen's speaking this month has spanned many topics, from introductory legal talks, to panels and sessions about governance, diversity and community activism. As a charitable nonprofit architected to serve the needs of free and open source software communities, Software Freedom Conservancy acts as a resource for education and advocacy. Karen's speaking is part of Conservancy's effort to bring this expertise to conferences around the world. For example, last month Conservancy's Distinguished Technologist, Bradley Kuhn, was featured as the keynote speaker at FOSSETCON and Karen and Bradley together organized an Unconference session on Saturday 25 October about Conservancy at the GSoC 10th annual Reunion Conference.

Next month, Karen is delivering a keynote at the Joomla! World Conference, where she will talk about issues concerning conflicts of interest in free and open source software.

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