Gevent Joins the Software Freedom Conservancy
Gevent becomes Twenty-fifth Member Project of Conservancy
January 18, 2011
Today, the Software Freedom Conservancy welcomes Gevent as its newest member. Gevent joins twenty-four other Conservancy members, who receive the benefit of aggregated non-profit status available to all Conservancy member projects.
Conservancy and Gevent's founder, Denis Bilenko, are excited to announce that Gevent is now a member of the Software Freedom Conservancy. The Software Freedom Conservancy provides a home to Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects. As a fiscal sponsor for FLOSS projects, the Conservancy provides member projects with financial and administrative services and FLOSS project policy and non-profit oversight. This allows software developers and documenters to focus on those activities exclusively.
Gevent's membership reflects Conservancy's commitment to both large, well-established Free Software projects, and small, newer projects that have excellent potential. Gevent is currently the effort mostly of Denis to build a coroutine-based Python networking library. Denis is doing excellent work and Conservancy therefore was glad to welcome into Conservancy along with our many other excellent member projects.
By joining the Conservancy, Gevent obtains the benefits of a formal non-profit organizational structure while keeping the project focused on software development and documentation. Some benefits of joining the Conservancy include the ability to collect donations, hold assets on behalf of the project, and some protection of the lead developers of the project from personal liability when engaging in the activities of the project. A full list of Conservancy member project benefits is available on Conservancy's website. The Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc. is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, incorporated in New York State.